Friday, 13 August 2010

Birthday Time. 13th August 2010

We have a vexing question at the moment – when exactly is the anniversary of when we started. Is it the date we reserved the company name? The date we registered the web address? The date on the company certificate of incorporation? The date we officially started trading? The date we sold our first book? Or somewhere in between.

If it’s the first two then we’ve already missed the company birthday. If it’s the third one we’re still four days away. The date we officially started trading is actually today, and the final one, although a very important company milestone isn’t the day we started. Given we’d shelled out a whole lot of money by that point in terms of start up costs and hosting fees it’s the day we started.

So which date is the company birthday? Which date to we celebrate the fact the company is now one year old?

Given we actually started planning this venture something like eighteen months ago, having talked about it for several months prior to that, I suppose the question is a little moot.
Never mind, the official date may have to wait till the 17th but as far as I’m concerned we’re now one year old. Happy birthday Bluewood!

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