It’s been a strange day today, all sorts of peculiar developments to weave my way through, almost like walking through a minefield.
Not that anyone was going to explode if I put a foot wrong, nothing as dramatic as that but we had a long trans-continental management meeting yesterday – something like two and a half hours. Thank heavens for internet chat – god knows how much it would have cost on a phone!
Now I’ve started to implement some of the things discussed, and at the same time, work out the full implications for some of the rest. On top of that personal pressures built up as well – not least comforting my mother after some light-fingered asswipe stole her purse while she was up town shopping. Luckily she keeps her cards elsewhere, so only the cash went missing, although the feeling of violation hasn’t left her.
I’m also on the final verification stage of checking the upload for our new aggregator, I have three new releases to format and prep for release at the start of next month, and it is of course also the final day of the quarter – so from tomorrow I’m going to be buried in finalising and checking the quarter end figures – which incidentally look much, much better than the previous quarter.
One day I’ll find the time to start writing again, managed a little last week, but this week is definitely a washout from that point of view.......
Ah well, soon be Xmas.....
Sorry to hear about your mother - honestly, people are really horrible sometimes. It's a nasty feeling but, as you say, thank goodness she has her cards. Hugs anyway