Thursday, 21 October 2010

Charity begins.... 22nd October 2010.

Had some good news today.

A personal friend and writing buddy of mine passed away last year after a long illness. She had just completed the final draft of her novel but unfortunately her condition took her before she could submit it. Working with her family we’ve spent a lot of time sorting out a way to get her work to market posthumously.

That in itself has been no mean feat; for starters we had to wait for her estate to pass probate before we could allow anyone to sign a contract.

Having crossed all the hurdles, we approached a major charity about making a contribution to them from each book, with both ourselves and the family contributing, and them marketing the book through the medium of their newsletter and web site and possibly other publications.
I finally got the e-mail we’ve been waiting for today, the charity has agreed the proposal in principle, although due to the complicated mechanisms we have to go through to show due diligence and true intent to the Charity commission, we still have several hoops to jump through and i’s to dot and t’s to cross. (Sorry for the mixed metaphors – he insisted – Ed.)

Mustn’t name names, either of the author, the book or the charity just yet – but the book will launch early next year – watch this space. This could be big – a money spinner for the charity, and above all a fitting memorial for an author whose life was cut so short.

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